We do

What we do

How we do


Entrepreneurial Design is a new way of working and thinking, in which creation and implementation become one interwoven process. Developing plans and handing it over is a concept of the past. Everyone who creates has to take the responsibility for implementation. It requires the combination of creativity with action-driven rigidity. This is how organizations of the future can survive in TUNA environments and solve wicked problems they face along the way.


Entrepreneurial Design is a new way of working and thinking, in which creation and implementation become one interwoven process. Developing plans and handing it over is a concept of the past. Everyone who creates has to take the responsibility for implementation. It requires the combination of creativity with action-driven rigidity. This is how organizations of the future can survive in TUNA environments and solve wicked problems they face along the way.

  • principals
  • Responsibility to Impact
    Impact happens when creation and implementation merge into one process. If you create strategies, you also have to be responsible for its implementation.
  • Limited Resources
    Limited resources give the team edge and drive to build a sustainable business as soon as possible. It helps figuring out what works and what not, in a fast and cheap manner.
  • Rigorous Creativity
    Creativity is omnipresent. May it be to create the initial idea. Thrive from limited resources. Iterate strategies. Connect unusual dots. Or ultimately challenge status quo of business as usual.
  • Return on Failure
    In an action-driven, fast and creative process failure is planned in. Key question is how to use failures, i.e. learnings for future innovations and organizational progress.
  • TestRun
    Testing ideas and running the business are two sides of the same coin. Testing focuses on learning. Running on delivered value for the customer.
  • Answer-Driven Questioning
    Instead of focusing on the problem, the team has always an answer. But in the belief that the answer has flaws and therefore must be improved.
  • Team First
    The team gets things done. Interdisciplinarity is a must. Stakeholders are part of the team and have to be involved from day one, including customers and users.
  • Proactive Reflection
    Reflection is needed to challenge what you’ve been doing. But always for the purpose of moving to the next best solution. Entrepreneurial designers reflect in action.
  • Effectiveness through Efficiency
    Taking small actions with minimal consumption of resources and a thirst for improvement triggers continuous and fast iteration. An effective result will emerge along the way.
  • Continuous Learning
    A strategy can never be proofed, but only improved. Learning of how to run a business in a wicked business environment is the ultimate goal.

Who we are

We, Marius, Aaron and Ben have the same passion: leading new paths. Coming from different places in the world: Switzerland, Germany and China, we have found each other in Sweden studying a Master in Business & Design. And immediately realized that we complement each other perfectly. That we can, as a team, be visionaries and pragmatists at the same time. That we can rethink business and society, while actually getting things done. That we can be creative and analytical, critical and proactive. It is this unique mix that was the starting point to test our team dynamics in first projects. And it grew into what is now yü studios. A progressive, young and ambitious consultancy.



A full-time life enthusiast with multicultural background. A passionate cook and traveler.
In part time, I work as a Business Designer. I like to solve puzzles by connecting dots, being hands-on and integrating different perspectives.



Maker of new things with a passion for combining the unusual. Profiled navigating in complex systems as a multifaceted Business Designer. International experiences as an action-driven consultant, creative researcher and experimental artist.



Business Designer who knows how to reduce complexities and translate ideas into scalable businesses on the fast track. Experienced to work and lead in the interface of business, design and technology to solve people's problems.